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Course Creation Reimagined.

Monetise your audience with text-based courses, created with ease and shared with one click.


$24’281 earned.

Monetize your knowledge and expertise with email courses. Convert followers into paying customers across your platforms and build out your email list of loyal fans.

Create course

Create courses effectively with our course builder and continuously modify as needed

Set price tag

Set a price for your course starting at 5$, allowing you to match the course value to the price easily

Distribute course

Share the course to your audience with a click of a button and see sales and students coming in


What is Snackz?

Snackz helps anyone create an email course and share with their audience. No tech knowledge is required. Without ads and algorithms to get in the way, you can sustain a direct relationship with your readers and retain full control over your creative work.

Do I own what I publish on Snackz?

You will always own your content and your relationships with your subscribers. We make it easy to import and export your archive, email list, and payments information to and from other platforms.

Will Snackz help me grow my audience?

Yes. Snackz discovery page will show trending email courses as well as new email courses from your favourite content creators. 

See if Snackz is right for you. (It totally is.)

Snackz is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland