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Course Creation Reimagined.

Monetise your audience and expertise with text-based courses. Snackz provides you a platform to create engaging text-based courses and help you make money online.


$24’281 earned.

Share your course with one click on all your socials and boost your subscribers and sales

Create course

Create courses in no time with our course builder and continuously modify as needed

Set price tag

Set a price for your course starting at 5$, allowing you to match the course value to the price easily

Distribute course

Share the course with your audience with a click of a button and see sales and students coming in

Endless ways to use it.

Share your course with one click on all your socials and boost your subscribers and sales

Content Creators

Monetize your audience on platforms like LinkedIn and X by creating and selling insightful, niche-specific courses directly to your audience.

Professional Educators

Offer continuing education courses in a user-friendly format, helping professionals enhance their expertise.

Corporate Trainers

Streamline employee onboarding and skill development with custom text-based courses, boosting organizational productivity.

See if Snackz is right for you. (It totally is.)

Snackz is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland